More about me.

Recent experience

Lead UX/UI Designer
Jul 2020-Present
UX/UI Designer
Jan 2020-Present
Sound Engineer
Jan 2018-Present
Pastry Chef
Mt. Ida College / UMass
Sep 2011-Present
full resume

A little background

My story...

I've had a roundabout path to UX Design. My interest in people and my creative side have always competed for my attention, so after getting a BA in Psychology I ended up working as a pastry chef and live musician before finally discovering UX. UX brings the best of both worlds together for me - I can blend my curiosity about how people tick and my passion for creating beautiful things into elegant solutions that have real impact in the world.

What fascinates me...

  • How do people think?
  • Why do they do what they do?
  • What will they do next?
My background in psychology, music and foodservice has given me many insights about human behavior to bring to my design work.

What inspires me...

  • Giving people joyful experiences
  • Supporting people in healthy behaviors
  • Helping people reach their goals
  • Making mundane tasks painless
I create things that lift people up, if only for the short time it takes to eat one of my pastries, dance to one of my songs, or interact with something I've designed.

Other interests...

  • Playing cello and jaw harp with my band
  • Folk dancing
  • Baking
  • Sewing
  • Hiking and getting out into beautiful nature

Want to work with me?

I'm currently available for work in the Boston area or remotely. Shoot me a message and I'll get back to you within 3 business days.

You can also reach out on Linkedin or email me directly.

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